Cranial Sacral Therapy ~ Touch
What Will Happen When Earth’s North And South Pole Flip?
Earth’s magnetic field is what protects our planet from harmful space radiation. However, our protective shield might soon go into a transformation that could threaten the lives on Earth. This video shows what will happen when Earth’s magnetic poles flip.
4-Step Guide to Letting Go of the Past
In this article, Leo Baurata provides a very simple, yet powerful method to “allow” the past to naturally pass through us, thus releasing us from the tyranny of unnecessary pain and re-establishing our relationship to the powerful now.
Cell Phone Safety
Health Benefits and Uses for Coconut Oil
In Search of Balance
Newly Discovered Properties of Water.
Think you know everything about water? Think again!
4-7-8 Breathing Exercise
Important News for Migriane Sufferers
Meditation and Your Brain
Science shows just eight weeks of meditation can change your brain for the better.
What Fear Does to Your Brain & How to Stop It
From our televisions to our political conversations, we are inundated with messages of fear.
Low-Salt Diets Connected to Increases in Heart Disease, Death and Stroke
A new study out of Canada’s McMaster University suggests that low-salt diets might not be as healthy as we thought…
Meditation’s Effects on Alpha Brain Waves
We are pleased to present the information depicted in the important documentary, entitled “Thrive”. We feel that this film and the Thrive Movement are vital to the improvement of social, political, economic and health issues throughout the world. We invite you to watch this movie and consider the possibilities for a better world for every individual on this planet.